Judy Archibald - Fund Coordinator

The Artists’ Charitable Fund is very personal to me because several years ago when my husband, Brian Archibald, who was a wildlife stone and bronze sculptor was dying of cancer, the Charitable Fund paid $5,000 of his hospital bill.
As you know, with the high cost of health insurance, many self-employed artists can not afford the high cost of health insurance which leaves them very vulnerable if a medical catastrophe strikes.
If you are an artist who needs financial assistance because of medical, fire or other disaster, send Judy an Email.
.Judy is a published author who, in 2012, wrote her first children's picture book, The Mutt & the Mustang, which received 1st Place - Next Generation INDIE Book Award 2012 in the Children's Picture Book category. Please visit her book web site, Judy's Pet Pals
Her writing career spans twenty-five years and she has two other books published, including one on wildlife rehabilitation, in addition to writing magazine articles. Judy also enjoys visiting schools where she shows a video of the mutt riding the mustang, and depending on grade level, speaks on various topics, including pets, animal rescue, inspiration to write, being an author, having the courage to follow a dream and Colorado's wild horse herds.
Judy Archibald, Fund Coordinator